Saturday, January 31, 2015

Living, learning, and regaining my fitness

Why am I so conflicted about which workout program I want to do.  I have been unmotivated to workout, but I want to get back to my journey of becoming healthy.  I have got to get control of myself. Since I had stopped nursing Baby Grey, it has been an uphill battle trying to lose weight. I have let unhealthy habits take control again. I am having to relearn everything that I had learned before becoming pregnant. So... that is why I have renamed the blog Live.Learn.Fitness. I am living this life the best I know how. I am making mistakes, but I can "Learn" from them. Along this journey I am wanting to regain my love for fitness and a healthy lifestyle; that I was once living. Since Baby Grey has come along, I have so much more to live for. I want to make it all count. I want to teach him how to make healthy choices. 

So..... My goal is to blog if not everyday at least 2-3 times a week on my journey for Insanity Max 30. I had already started this amazing program, but gave up. Life kept getting into my way (EXCUSE). I have noticed that a lot lately;  I have started something just in time to stop and I would give up. I don't like doing that even though I constantly do it. That is why I need the accountability of people.

There is only one catch. We are currently eating everything out of pantry to save some money. So the first week or so I will have to eat what we have here. There are some healthy things, but there is also a lot of unhealthy things. So I will definitely have to watch what I'm eating and be smart. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do.

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