Sunday, December 29, 2013

Strawberry Cheesecake Shakeology

I have a great love for cheesecake. It is one of my favorite things! I was so happy when I found a recipe for Shakeology that tasted like cheesecake!

Here is the recipe!
You will need:
8 oz. of water
8 oz. of unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1/2 scoop of vanilla shakeology
1 cup of strawberries
1 TBS fat free sugar free cheesecake pudding powder
Blend and Enjoy!!!


Friday, December 27, 2013

Peppermint Sorbet!!

Oh man, I'm having such a sweet tooth tonight. Since I'm getting back on track after the holidays, I knew I needed something healthy to cure my craving. So I did a little research, much to my amazement I found something that sounded delicious. Not only will my sweet tooth craving be fixed, it will be one of my healthiest meals of the day. Say what??!! Yep, it is true! If you would like for more information about how that is possible , please email me at and I will give you more information about all the yummy nutrients you can get in one cup!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

New Year, New You!!

 Well now that the holidays are over, I bet that we have noticed that our workouts have become less and less, our clothes maybe fitting a little snug; or was that just me? Yes, I did splurge a little this holiday season. (Hey, it’s all about moderation right!) Now it’s time for the New Year!
I know, I know… you are probably thinking about your New Year resolutions. Every year for as long as I can remember the first thing down on my list would be to “Lose Weight”. Every year, I would start the off the year by getting fresh food, workout gear, and workout programs. I would be in full force, but by the 3rd or 4th week, it would be non-existent.  I would lose all motivation to continue on my journey. Where did that leave me? Well sad, depressed and a few pounds heavier than before.  I would constantly repeat this throughout the year.  It was like a never ending cycle. Until one day…. 

Yes, until one day; I got fed up with how I looked and felt.  Also, I realized that if my husband and I ever wanted to have a family one day; I was nowhere in shape to provide a healthy body for our future children. So, I decided it was time to do something about it.  I finally did something about my weight. I bought a Beachbody program called Chalean Extreme and joined a Beachbody Challenge group. Guess what?? I had finally seen some changes in my body and habits. I am eating healthier and finally in love with exercising!  Yep, in 2 months I had lost 17.5 inches and 12 pounds. I was so ecstatic.  Since joining this group, I have finally been able to meet some of my goals! It has been amazing! It is only up from here.

Hold up… now it’s your turn! Just think about it? This time next year, you could be looking at a healthier you! How, might you ask?  I am going to invite you to do the same challenge group that changed my life. January 6th, 2014 I am starting a New Year, New You Challenge group on Facebook.
What happens in our challenge group?? 
  •     I will post daily topics that are related to improving our fitness and overall health! 
  •   Daily Participation by challengers 
  •    I will provide motivation, clean eating recipes, meal plans, and accountability, as well as, daily challenges.

  •  There will be a giveaway at the end of the challenge that will be based on the results of the 60 days! 
  Here is a quick video that explains more about the Beachbody Challenge group.

 If you are interesting in joining me on this challenge, I would love to hear from you! You can email me at


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Cookie Dough Greek Yogurt

Just a lil' slice of heaven right here! I tried my Beachbody Coach Melanie Mitro's Cookie Dough Greek Yogurt for the first time tonight and I have to say.... I'm already addicted! It is not hard to make and it's better for you than the real thing. So I will gladly take that! I have a major, no MAJOR sweet tooth. I have to have something sweet every night. If I could, I would have something sweet at every meal too. Anyways, I have a feeling this little recipe here will help me push past those sweet tooth cravings! Plus it is a clean eating recipe!!

Here is the recipe....
3/4 cup of greek yogurt
1 tbsp nut butter
1 tbsp honey
1/4 tsp vanilla
pinch of sea salt
1 tbsp mini chocolate chips ( I use the dark chocolate)!

Mix all the ingredients until they are smooth and enjoy!! I would love to know what you think.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Early Morning Workout Tips!

Exercise.... is a word I use to cringe at. I did not want to get up an hour early to workout. I want to stay in my warm and cozy bed, especially since it's getting colder now. So exercise was the last thing on my mind. I use to think that working out in the evening was best for me because I would be able to sleep better at night, WRONG! I would be wide awake and couldn't sleep. So I decided to attempt waking up earlier because I had goals that I know I wanted to meet. It hasn't been easy and some days I still don't get up at 5 o'clock; but the important thing is I get my workout done right after I wake up! I wanted to share some tips that I use to help get myself ready for those workouts:

1) Have everything ready: Lay everything out in plain sight for when you wake up. Sometimes I even sleep in my workout clothes, that way all I have to do is get up and go push play! Prepping everything the night before will only take a few minutes of your time the night before , but will save plenty of precious minutes in the morning!
2) Gear up:  What all do you use during your workouts? Do you have a heart rate monitor? Will you need your dumbbells? Will you need a TV or Laptop to watch your workout program on. Have it all together in one place and ready to go! This way you wont have to search for everything, it will all be in one place!
3) Snack up: Some people need a little bit of energy before working out; some don't. If you do, a small pre-workout snack will do! I sometimes take one slice of whole-wheat toast with peanut butter, since it is fast and easy to make!
4) Early to bed, Early to rise: Sleep is so important when it comes to waking up early! Going to bed early allows your body to rest and recharge for the next day. It is important to get 7-8 hours of sleep a night, to fully allow your body to recuperate! This is something that I need to work on. I notice that when I don't get those 7-8 hours, my workouts are not as effective, as well as, my eating habits.
5) Schedule it: Writing in your planner, find a workout partner who keeps you motivated in working out! Having a workout partner is not only makes working out fun, but it also keeps you accountable!
6) Find your soul mate workout: I have mentioned before that I believe Chalean Extreme is my soul mate workout. I get excited and look forward to working out to this program. It is important that you love the workouts that you do, because it makes it feel less like a chore. The more you enjoy your workout, the more you will be willing to wake up early!
7) Treat yourself post-workout:  Having a treat waiting for me after my workout is over, makes the workout even better! Lately, I have been looking forward to drinking my Greenberry Shakeology! I have become so addicted this flavor. Some days, I enjoy some overnight oats! Finding healthy recipes to treat myself allows me to reach my goals faster. On days that I have more time, I read some of my  favorite books!

Have a blessed day! Now go workout, you will be glad you did!