
Before becoming pregnant, Shakeology was what one of my saving graces in the beginning of my health journey. FYI, I know many women who drink shakeology during pregnancy and I still occasionally do, but I craved food that I could chew haha! Weird I know!

I have spent years trying to lose weight and become healthier. However, I never got anywhere. Last year when I found Beachbody's Focus T25, I tried the workouts without Shakeology. I did see some results but none like what I thought I would see. Then I thought I would go out with Shakeology. So many things popped into my mind about why I shouldn't get it. What if it was nasty? Is it really going to do what people says it does? It is soooo expensive?  I was desperate to see a change in my life, so I went out on a limb and bought it. To be honest at first I was unsure about, but i wanted to try it after all i paid for it right?? I'm so glad that I kept it up and did not stop. I saw amazing results. Not only did lose pounds and inches, but I had more energy than I have ever had. I felt better during the day and I was able to control my junk food cravings. Me, able to control my junk food cravings! That is a miracle in it's self. I am the type of person that wants to have dessert not only after dinner every night, but every meal! Thanks to Shakeology, I was having dessert for breakfast, lunch or dinner!! Sweet! I craved Shakeology so much and wanted more accountability, so I joined Beachbody as a coach for the 25% discount! It made Shakeology more affordable and I was able to continue my indulging into my new healthy desserts!

Beachbody has since came out with clinical evidence of how effective Shakeology is! Here is a video that goes into the studies that were done on Shakeology!

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