Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Insanity Max 30 Journey Week 1

Well, I started (again) Week 1 of Insanity Max 30 yesterday. So... since I will be documenting this journey, I need to have before and after pictures and some measurements. I really don't want to share the information, but I feel like I need to in order to keep myself accountable. I cannot wait until we can finally go grocery shopping and get some healthy food in this place. Pantry challenges are well... challenging. It has made me realize how much unnecessary junk food we had here. 

Before Measurements:
Chest: 41
R. Arm: 15
L.Arm: 15
Waist: 40.5
Hips: 44
R. Thigh: 27
L. Thigh: 28
R. Calf: 19
L.Calf: 18.5
Weight (remember I just had a baby :D hehe) 200 pounds

Well another moment I dread but here are my before pics, not the best shots but it was done in a hurry.

Well now that those are published for the world to see...... I know that I must give it all I have and plan to make a plan to help me succeed.


Saturday, January 31, 2015

Living, learning, and regaining my fitness

Why am I so conflicted about which workout program I want to do.  I have been unmotivated to workout, but I want to get back to my journey of becoming healthy.  I have got to get control of myself. Since I had stopped nursing Baby Grey, it has been an uphill battle trying to lose weight. I have let unhealthy habits take control again. I am having to relearn everything that I had learned before becoming pregnant. So... that is why I have renamed the blog Live.Learn.Fitness. I am living this life the best I know how. I am making mistakes, but I can "Learn" from them. Along this journey I am wanting to regain my love for fitness and a healthy lifestyle; that I was once living. Since Baby Grey has come along, I have so much more to live for. I want to make it all count. I want to teach him how to make healthy choices. 

So..... My goal is to blog if not everyday at least 2-3 times a week on my journey for Insanity Max 30. I had already started this amazing program, but gave up. Life kept getting into my way (EXCUSE). I have noticed that a lot lately;  I have started something just in time to stop and I would give up. I don't like doing that even though I constantly do it. That is why I need the accountability of people.

There is only one catch. We are currently eating everything out of pantry to save some money. So the first week or so I will have to eat what we have here. There are some healthy things, but there is also a lot of unhealthy things. So I will definitely have to watch what I'm eating and be smart. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do.